Your skin and hair are the first parts of our body to be exposed to air pollution. There are many ways you can protect your skin. Hair on the other hand is often left with little to no protection when it comes to battling air pollution and environmental factors.
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Top 10 Chemicals to Avoid In Your Beauty Products

Ever wondered what is actually in your beauty and personal care products? Keep on reading to find out!
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Could Fragrance Be The New Second Hand Smoke?

Hundreds of studies over the last two decades are finding “fragrance” in beauty products and household cleaners are just as bad or worse for our health than secondhand smoke. Those dangers include chemicals that are known neurotoxins, carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, DNA mutagens, allergens, hepatotoxins and reproductive toxins all hidden under the simple ingredient label “fragrance.”

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There are a lot of great hair products available to help us achieve the perfect 'do. However, it does make you wonder if you can put too much stuff on your hair? Can certain ingredients build up over time? Silicone is a very commonly used hair care ingredient. So let’s take a closer look at what it is.
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Sulfates in Shampoo: Should You Avoid Them?

Ever wondered why shampoo quickly turns into foam when mixed with water? The answer foaming agents. Find out what they are and what effect they can have on your hair. 

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