What About Henna for Grey Hair

What About Henna for Grey HairHenna has been used since ancient times to alter the hair color and adorn the body. It comes from a small tree which leaves contain the dye Lawsonia Inermis, which stains your skin - similar to turmeric or beets. Here we want to share what can happen when you use henna on grey or white hair and how it’s different from our Hairprint True Color Restorer.

The way henna works is that the henna paste is applied to your hair. You wrap it in cellophane and then leave it for at least 4 hrs. Our Hairprint True Color Restorer takes some time too, but you have the finished result in 2 hrs.

Then you rinse the henna out of your hair not using any shampoo and conditioner. In fact, you shouldn’t wash your hair with shampoo or conditioner for at least 3 days. Henna oxidises in your hair and it takes a few days for the real color to deepen and set in. For gray hair the initial resulting stain is usually a bright orange. This is because the color molecule Lawsonia Inermis is naturally orange or copper in tone.

Henna is a translucent, additive dye. It does not alter the original color of the hair, it just covers it. If the dye has not saturated the hair well, the color will be lighter (mostly orange), especially on gray, white, or blonde hair. Hair that has been severely damaged and stripped of its outer keratin layer will also fail to hold dye resulting in an orange color. Hairprint True Color Restorer actually restores the pigment in your hair giving you back your original unique color. 

Also it is important to know that not all henna is created equal. There are two types of henna each reacts differently with hairprint: 


Compound Henna powders or creams, contain undisclosed ingredients in addition to  Lawsonia Inermis and/or Indigo. These ingredients may include metallic salts, additional dyes (if an ingredient listed contains a color: Red/Blue/Yellow/Violet/Black these are additional coal tar or chemical dyes), additional plant dyes, lead, PPD (Paraphenylenediamine) and Metallic Salts. Metallic Salts can remain in the hair for up to 2 years, and can fade to purple, green or red. Remember! Natural henna dyes the hair in the red-orange color range only, so no blacks, browns or blondes are not possible! 

Keep In Mind that Hairprint True Color Restorer cannot be used on hair that has been treated with Compound Henna and/or Metallic Salts.


Body Art Quality Henna consists of Lawsonia Inermis and/or Indigo ingredients and nothing else. It's a good color alternative but will turn grey hair orange. Since Henna coats the hair it creates a barrier, so know that it may take at least two treatments before Hairprint fully accesses the cortex of the hair. You may not achieve optimal gray restoration until the henna has grown out and dissipated from your hair. If BAQ Henna was used your Hairprint results may be red-toned or brassy. If Indigo was present in the henna it may cause darkening of the hair where any Indigo remains.

If you have any concerns when switching from Henna to Hairprint Color Restorer please refer to our FAQ section under "Will Hairprint work for me?"  to protect henna-treated hair. If you have questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us at support@hairprint.asia we are happy to guide you!



Hairprint True Color Restorer is a patented formula that replicates eumelanin, the pigment that creates all variations of light brown, brown and black hair. Your unique hair color is generated by this pigment which is created in the cells inside the hair follicle. During a Hairprint treatment, new eumelanin is synthesized within the cortex of the hair restoring gray hair to it’s natural color.

Hairprint True Color Restorer  imitates that biological process and adds plant-derived eumelanin to your hair. Working with a vegetable extract from velvet beans, we have created a simple way to restore gray hair. There are no dyes, no PPD, no PTD, no coal tars, no parabens, no henna, no progressive dyes, no fragrance, no high levels of ammonia or peroxide to strip color. That means no smells, itching or burning! Hairprint not only restores your gray hair to its natural color it also strengthens the hair and adds body and shine where applied. 

Your hair has a unique genetic structure, which we call your "hairprint". It is as unique to you as your fingerprint. This structure determines how pigment is arranged in the hair, that arrangement determines how light refracts, and refraction determines how we perceive color. Dyes or Henna do not do this. That is why hair colored with Hairprint True Color Restorer will always look different and more multi-dimensional than hair that is dyed. 



BAQ Henna is a valuable alternative to chemical hair dyes because it is not toxic when applied to the hair. But aware that it can cause problems when used on the skin for tattoos. However, it is quite toxic if ingested and can be very drying for the hair and the skin. In some countries, it is used to induce abortion. When ingested it can induce hemolytic anemia and acute renal failure. We say we are the only non-toxic hair coloring product because our ingredients are food-grade or higher. Our product is edible and hair stylist and people all around the world show that off on the web doing just that, (we do not recommend it, it just is). Try Hairprint and you’ll be amazed how hydrating it is for the hair.



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